Best prank ever! Dog in spider suit scares the living daylights out of people, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Best prank ever! Dog in spider suit scares the living daylights out of people

This article is more than 12 months old

It's a brutal joke.

But if you're not among those personally affected, this video will bring on hysterical laughter.

Veteran prankster SA Wardega scared the wits out of passers-by when he turned his canine into a mutant giant spider dog.

The Polish man filmed the scaring and put it up on YouTube on Thursday. The clip has garnered more than 19 million views so far.

Scroll down for some of the best moments.

Scary scene #1: 

Scary scene #2: 

Scary scene #3:

Chica the DogSpider isn't so scary in the light of day. In fact, it's pretty cute.




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