Natural ways to relieve your cough, Latest Health News - The New Paper

Natural ways to relieve your cough

Coughs have a nasty tendency of hanging around. Just when you think you have been cured, you may be surprised by a coughing fit that rouses you from sleep.

Nix that scratchy urge to cough with these natural tips.

Have a nice hot shower

A steamy shower is always relaxing and the humidity can soothe airways to quell the urge to cough. For extra relief, hang a bundle of eucalyptus leaves above the showerhead to infuse the steam with the eucalyptus' cough-suppressing scent.

Take thyme

Making tea out of thyme is apparently a popular home remedy for coughs in Europe. The herb is also used in Ricola cough drops. Thyme supposedly relaxes your throat muscles to prevent coughing fits, and it has anti-inflammatory properties as well to reduce soreness and pain.

Try minty things

Use a diffuser to infuse the air with menthol or eucalyptus oils, or take in a good whiff of a cup of hot mint tea. The fresh smell is known to clear airways and can also stop those itchy tingles from developing into hacking coughs.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water helps soothe your throat and keeps your body working well so you can fight pesky coughs. Water can also help loosen any mucus so you do not feel as congested.

Elevate your head at night

If you wake up feeling stuffed up and terrible, try sleeping with an extra pillow propped under your head. It will help drain away the yucky stuff as you sleep so you arise feeling more rested and refreshed.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger has a warming effect that can be soothing for the throat. It also has a mild painkiller effect that can be great for calming an irritated throat.

Take warm soups

You may not have much of an appetite when you are down with a cough, but warm soups will keep you full and keep up your nutrition levels while giving your throat some welcome relief.

Go for something clear as dairy sometimes causes mucus to get thicker.

Clean the house

You may have caught that cough from someone else, or it may be caused by your own home.

Cleaning your space regularly will get rid of allergens such as dust and mould that could cause itchiness and give you an uncomfortable throat.

This article was first published in Shape (