Baby with upside-down head is now a motivational speaker, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Baby with upside-down head is now a motivational speaker

This article is more than 12 months old

Doctors told her to let her baby starve to death because he was born with a rare condition called congenital arthrogryposis.

As a result, his limbs were severely deformed. He also had an upside-down head.

But Brazilian mother Maria Jose did no such thing.

Now, that same baby is 37 years old. He's also an accountant and motivational speaker.

This is the story of Claudio Vieira de Oliveira from Monte Santo, who defied all odds and overcame adversity. 

"Since I was a child I've always liked to keep myself busy and work - I don't like to depend totally on other people," he said. "I do a bit of accounting, research for clients and consulting."

"I have learned to turn on the TV, pick up my cell phone, turn on the radio, use the internet, my computer - I do it all by myself."

He types using a pen in his mouth, uses phones and a computer's mouse with his lips and walks around with specially made shoes that make it easy for him to shuffle.

His hard work and inspirational qualities have led to his success and saw him graduating as an accountant from the State University of Feira de Santana.

"People started saying 'the baby is going to die' because he could barely breath when he was born," his mother said.

"Some people would say: 'Don't feed him, he is already dying'. But there's only happiness now. Claudio is just like any other person - that's how he was raised in this house."

"We never tried to fix him and always wanted him to do the normal things (that) everyone else does. That's why he is so confident. He is not ashamed of walking around in the street - he sings and he dances."

Screengrabs: Claudio Vieira de Oliveira/YouTube

Claudio started walking on his knees at the age of eight. Previously, he had to be carried around. He was unable to use a wheelchair due to his body shape but still pleaded with his mother to send him to a regular school.

The house flooring was changed to make it easier for him to get around. The bed, switches and plugs were adjusted to a lower height so that he could reach them unaided.

"Throughout my life I was able to adapt my body to the world. Right now, I don't see myself as being different. I am a normal person," he said.

"I don't see things upside-down. This is one of the things I always talk about in my interventions as a public speaker. Nowadays it's much easier to deal with the public, I'm not afraid of it anymore and I can say that I am a professional, international public speaker and that I receive invitations from all over the world."

Sources: Daily Mail, Facebook
